Thursday, April 28, 2011


A watermark is a mark that the artist puts a a photo to prohibit people from using their photos with out asking. Also it can be used to show off the artist's abilities and help put their work out there.

My Watermark

Example Picture

Vintage Look

To give an image a vintage look you have to get the right picture. This is because you can't give a modern image that look. So I took my favorite car (69 Mustang Fastback) and worked my magic on it, putting scratches, ripped off edges, blurring it, adding a grain effect, and changing the color a little bit.



Physics in Photography

Here I had to capture a physics concept in a photo. This is about Newton's Law of Motion where an object in motion stays in motion and anything at rest stays at rest, unless acted upon by another force. I took a water balloon at rest and popped it with a dart and before gravity and the force from the dart could take effect I took the picture. In doing this I got a hard picture to capture of the water still in the shape it was before the balloon popped.

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Replicating Uelsman

For an assignment we had to replicate a famous black and white photographor by the name of Jerry N. Uelsman. So......Here ya go.

Picture Worth A Thousand Words

Here is a portrate of my self that i made using a lot of words.

Tuesday, April 12, 2011


This is an animation I made of a time bomb. Please Click On Thumbnail To Play.

Balance Collages

Here are three collages i have put together about Advertisement, Inspuration and Me.

First is the Advertisement collage and i did an ad for Microsoft's XBox franchise.

Next is my Inspuration collage which is about what inspires me.

Finally this collage is about Me past, present and future. It involves schools, music and gaming consules.